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About Me

I am Debbie Doyle,

I am a mom, wife, grandmother, and a food blogger
I love cooking for not only my family but friends as well. My kitchen is my place, the place where I am probably most relaxed, it is my place where I m most creative.
I was born and raised in Jamaica. And so, most of my dishes/recipes will have a Jamaican vibe to them.
How to Learn to Cook
I learned from my paternal grandmother, some of my fondest memories of her or with her, is in the kitchen whether it Is me watching her cook, or the conversations we would have while she cooks, a lot of them her covering for me after getting myself in trouble with my mom the strong disciplinarian, or me watching her cook and having thousands of questions. Looking back, she always seems to look so at peace in the kitchen preparing meals for her family which Is exactly how I feel when I am in the kitchen. Some of my best time spent with my own family is in the kitchen, not only enjoying a meal I prepare but them helping me to prepare a meal, My children are all grown up now ( sad face), my youngest who is still at home just turned 18 and it gives me such joy when she sys mommy I got dinner tonight but makes me hysterical and proud when she sys mommy I think I one-up you on this one.
Or the ones who are no longer at home calling me for guidance on one of my recipes or calling or texting me what they just made and that includes my 30-year-old son.


It is my belief that food brings people together, it is a great time to fellowship, have great conversations with friends, and a great way to meet new people.
Food not only nourishes the body but also feeds the soul.
I also believe that home cooking is the best thing you can do for yourself and for your family.

Please allow me the honor of helping you to do so.

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jerk barbeque ribs
me cooking
seaond veggie rice
rice and kidney beans
baked snapper

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